TheZZAZZGlitch's April Fools Event 2024

The Glitch Lord, having failed to attain control over Glitchland and Glitch Islands, moved towards Glitchtopia, where he makes his final stand. With two out of three of these kingdoms freed, it should be no problem to liberate the third one, and finally put an end to Missingno.'s plans once and for all!

Additionally, our Glitch Research Institute maintains a number of legacy systems, based on the tried and true GBZ80 and ARMv4T architectures. We're looking for security analysts who would like to put their research efforts towards securing our infrastructure and making our world a better place.

The event is over

The official event servers have been closed. You can still experience Fools2024 - however, all online functionality will be unavailable.

The final leaderboard

#1 Buurazu 1337/1337
#2 Radixán 1337/1337
#3 LittleFlygon 1337/1337
#4 OdnetninI 1337/1337
#5 !Stranck 1337/1337
#6 jfb1337 1337/1337
#7 asdf1 1337/1337
#8 vcvtne2ps2bf16 1337/1337
#9 Muzuwi 1337/1337
#10 Adex 1337/1337
#11 talcat 1337/1337
#12 priw8 1337/1337
#13 cognaso 1337/1337
#14 techticks 1337/1337
#15 Rairii 1253/1337
#16 1452 1253/1337
#17 wernerderchamp 1168/1337
#18 Kuruyia 1127/1337
#19 Popax21-v2 1077/1337
#20 lyra <3 1000/1337
#21 Flame 1000/1337
#22 Sims 1000/1337
#23 dinekkek 1000/1337
#24 Tino 1000/1337
#25 PotatoesBasket 1000/1337
#26 Pk_Insect 1000/1337
#27 Luther Amarine 1000/1337
#28 TybaltYoshi 1000/1337
#29 WishMakers 1000/1337
#30 AAAAAAAAAA 1000/1337
#31 Redrin 1000/1337
#32 happygreenfairy 1000/1337
#33 Zigludo 1000/1337
#34 tylobeans 1000/1337
#35 Takoto 1000/1337
#36 Nemium 1000/1337
#37 Tyulis 924/1337
#38 Modata 890/1337
#39 ChickenArrow P 890/1337
#40 dorkeline 840/1337
#41 Minty_Meeo 840/1337
#42 CCeriseGD 840/1337
#43 Darkshadows 840/1337
#44 Help where am I 840/1337
#45 PastaBasil 840/1337
#46 edomobius 840/1337
#47 xXSCYTHRKILLRXx 840/1337
#48 Red 797/1337
#49 Cryolite 790/1337
#50 Thelegendaryhunter 790/1337